Monday, November 10, 2008

One big happy family

Today, we are crammed into my aunt's country home...a two bedroom home that is currently housing eight adults and one very precocious child. I love family; however, it is very close here and on top of that, the septic tank is full.

Yesterday, we attended the baptism for my first cousin's four-month-old child, conducted in a small church near her home. I realized that I no longer remember the Lord's prayer in Polish or the Hail Mary for the matter. Sad.

The photos from the day sucked, though. I was not having good luck. Everything came back blurry and stilted. Oh well, you can't win them all.

I'm impressed with the people of my parents' generation. Two people in particular were drinking shots of vodka last night. A whole bottle's worth. I'm thinking that if I were to partake, I'd be dying today. As it is, there is a persisting buzz in my head, perhaps from mixing white wine and screwdrivers. But they were chopping wood today, as if all was right with the world!

That is stamina.

I have decided that children, apart from my own, are good in small quantities. My cousin's child is an only child and is quite precocious, as I mentioned above. Maybe it's due to too much time with adults? All I know that when she was bouncing off the walls last night at midnight, I was ready to run. So much for routine and structure. Seeing all those children made me miss my own kids more than ever. Wish they were here to share this with me.

1 comment:

Olga said...

You'll see yours soon enough. You'll wonder why you even missed them, perhaps! ;)