Sunday, January 18, 2009


My sister taught me about 'buy nothing day.' I've recently blogged about my concerns with a full-blown case of shopiitis. Needless to say, it's not cured in a day. I'd like to really keep track this year of the financial end of things, and am inspired by Olga's steps forward with that. So, my (small) resolution will be to keep track of BND's and see where I end up. You see, I have some big dreams. One of them is for my kids not to have to worry about paying for school. That, of course, comes from having to pay for school myself. Still paying for school in fact. It just sets you up for a long long time with a very tight margin. The other dream is to visit some places I've not been to before. That's an awful lot of places. It too takes careful planning, so BND's here were come. Today was one!

I'm defrosting, because we spent the afternoon outside. The four of us, and one very snowy dog. First we burned things in the firepit and then we were trying to build things out of snow that was not cooperating. We took a walk down to the marsh in the knee-deep snow, got separated from Brian and the dog and met a guy that would not go away. He had a flock of kids with him, and no partner, and kept pace with me and wanted to talk. Creepy. He took off when I loudly said that we were looking for Dad + dog. Ugh. Family walk and creepy dude comes by.


Olga said...

Argh, I've slipped off the Buy Nothing Day bandwagon! It's been weeks since my last one (I think it was the week before Christmas?). Good for you for doing them, though! The first one is always the hardest, but as the weeks go by it gets easier to spend an entire day not purchasing anything. :) After all, you can ALWAYS get it tomorrow!

Kathy said...

I knew you'd have something to say! Sadly, my BND for today is coming to an end, i must go grocery shopping. I will, however, check out the lovely cat spoons for you. For you, not me, let's just make that clear.