Props to have the courage to take the next step and also the props that you actually need to take the next step. Of course, I'm talking about photography. I've had the D300 for a cool week and a half now. I need to know that it was not a waste of money so I'm trying to see if my work is actually
different than before, but I just can't tell yet.
Today was about props. I have this crazy idea of taking things to the next level. And for that I will need props. So, I went scouring through Value Village, Pier 1, and also through the Reuse Centre for props. Specifically for fuzzy blankets and baskets that I could use to position a baby with and in. Value Village is having a 1/2 off sale on Monday - will have to check things out then and Pier 1 had some possibilities, but they were too wobbly for my taste. I don't think that they could physically support a newborn. The Re-use Centre had a wonderful wicker bassinette, but with my storage issues, it would not work because of the size. There was also an awesome sled, but again, I don't think that I'll be needing that for some time. So, my other ideas include trusty old Homesense and then, get this, hopping to the States to check out Target. I also love their TJ Maxx, so it would kill two birds with one stone!
Ah, the props to be bought!