Sunday, December 28, 2008

Shopiitis and the look of scorn

I may have an incurable illness. All this Christmas shopping and post-Christmas shopping has put me in shopping mode. Really, it's a disease. I have no need for anything else, and no room for anything else in my tiny house; and yet, I'm compelled to go looking for something else. Not really sure what either. I do have a need for appliances with a leaking washer, but appliance shopping is not so much fun. And expensive.

So, this illness comes and goes in waves for me. This week is particularly bad - just ask my sister. Hope it's over soon.

The other part of this post is somewhat unrelated to the shopiitis part. Ms. L. was an altar server for the first time today. Proud moment for me as a mom. She looked so tiny up there with the priest and the two other altar servers who were probably Grade 5 or 6 boys. But she did her thing and she looked all solemn. The look of scorn came from the lady who does that altar service training for the kids and who arranged for Leah to be there today. All because we were a 'tad' late for mass...i.e. walked in when the procession was starting. Sheesh. It all ended well, tho!

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